Monday, June 24, 2013

So, BOOM! it's summer! We had a cool spring, but once we offically entered summer, it came in in an instant. It's hot, humid, and wonderful. My plants that i kept under a row cover till a few days ago, are now too big to be under the row cover. In this bed you can see chard in the front, white russian kale on the left, hot peppers in the middle, (which were under the row cover and are full of blossoms) and onions on the right. Onions are heavy feeders like garlic, and like garlic they like a fertilizer high in nitrogen. If you're growing onions, feed them every 3 to 4 weeks with a high nitrogen fertilizer. I use a fish fertilizer, but as i've said before, they're not all the same. Make sure you look for one with a high first number. All fertilizers will be labeled with 3 numbers. They stand for N (nitrogen) P (phosphorus) and K (potassium). Always in that order. So if you find one that has the numbers 5 - 1 - 1, that means it's mostly nitrogen with just a little bit of phosphorus and potassium, and that's just what your onions want!

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