Friday, August 9, 2013

Was raining most of today, still, had to get to the gardens. In between dodging the heavy rain, i got this photo of my grafted brandywine tomato plant. Usually at this time of year, people post photos of their ripe tomatoes. I've been enjoying my cherokee purple, sun sugar cherry and san marzano tomatoes for awhile now. With most heirloom varieties, you don't get many fruits per plant. If you're lucky, you might get 12 tomatoes on one plant. Which is why i grafted plants this year. Brandywines are some of the longest maturing tomatoes, and the ones on the grafted plant still take the same amount of time to ripen. However, I have over 20 tomatoes on this one plant, with more coming out. The same is true of the caspian pink grafted tomato and the san marzano paste tomato plant. I'm going to get a bumper crop of these tomatoes. Course once that bumper crop comes in, i'll be very busy preserving the crop. Next post i'll talk about ways i preserve the food i grow. Today while in the garden, i harvest parsley and basil that i made into pesto, and kale that i blanched and froze. More next post.

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