Saturday, February 23, 2013

Planted Basil today, this fills my first seedling tray. I planted the basil a week later than the hot peppers and eggplants because it tends to grow faster than them. You want your seedlings 2" under the lights, but if the basil is larger than the peppers or eggplants, then one of them is either too close, or too far away from the lights. This is one of the reasons it's good to keep a garden (or in this case, seedling) log. You can write down what you do, what went right, and what didn't. You can refer to the log and adjust the things you do so that you get the best results possible. Good to keep a garden log for what you plant outside as well, when you plant it, how it did. It's a great way to learn and keep getting better. That's my cat, Muddy. He's pretty good, leaves the seedlings alone, but he does like to chew on the seedling labels.

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